Palmer Bus Service, Inc.



John DuHoux

Maccray Site Manager

Phone: 320-510-7528

Address: 22 S. Division St. Clara City, MN 56222

[email protected]

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Palmer Bus Service has been serving the communities of Maynard, Clara City and Raymond by safely transporting students since 1997. We safely transport about 800 students each school day in MACCRAY.

MACCRAY School District #2180 consists of MACCRAY High School and two elementary schools: East and West.

Clara City is located in Chippewa County and is about 120 miles west of the Twin Cities. Clara City is known for family living on the crossroads of the prairie.

A little about John:

John DuHoux manages Palmer Bus Service of Clara City, MN. John been in the transportation of children since 2012 and his first job in the industry was with Palmer Bus Service. John really likes his job at Let’s go Fishing and just being outside.

